Sign-up dates will now be November 1, 2024 - December 6, 2024
Become a part of the San Antonio Blue Santa tradition and apply to be a family we serve.

Apply to Become a Family We Serve at Christmas
It brings us great pride to help families during a wonderful time of the year. A child unwrapping a new toy and smiling brings happiness year round.
We’re accepting applications from November 1st through December 6th.
The application times are now open, 24 hours.
To become a family we serve, fill out an application at any of the substations listed here
There will be an officer/employee outside of the 6 different substations to take your information.
When applying, please remember that we donate to children from ages newborn to 12 years old.
Applicants must reside in the city of San Antonio.
You must present:
- A CPS or Water bill and
- A copy of each child’s birth certificate.
Once the application is submitted, as long as you have not applied for assistance from other charities and live in San Antonio you are approved. Deliveries usually begin around December 15th through the 24th.
Officer Contacts and Toy Drop-Off Locations
We want every child in San Antonio to have a smile on their face at Christmas and you can help make that happen, by donating any new, unwrapped toy all year long to the locations below.
Central Office
515 South Frio, San Antonio, TX 78207
Name: Officer Marshall Thomas
Phone: 210-207-4085
North Office
13030 Jones Maltsberger Rd, San Antonio, TX 78247
Name: Officer Crystal Aguero
Phone: 210-207-5184
East Office
3635 East Houston Street (Rosa Parks Way), San Antonio, TX 78219
Name: Officer Alonzio Hardin
Phone: 210-414-5238
Prue Office
5020 Prue Road, San Antonio, TX 78240
Name: Officer Timothy Henry
Phone: 210-207-6822
South Office
711 W. Mayfield, San Antonio, TX 78211
Name: Officer Chris Arroyo
Phone: 210-207-3941
West Office
7000 Culebra, San Antonio, TX 78238
Name: Officer Andres Salazar
Phone: 210-508-8939
515 South Frio, San Antonio, TX 78207
13030 Jones Maltsberger Rd, San Antonio, TX 78247
5020 Prue Road 78240
711 W. Mayfield, SA, TX 78211
7000 Culebra, SA, TX 78238